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Whatsapp website launched

When you are working on your computer and notifications on your mobile is disturbing you. You can use facebook, twitter and all social apps on your computer but if that notification is from Whatsapp, then you have to check your phone immediately for important conversations. If there is screen lock enabled in your phone then it takes much time. Don't worry!!! Now you can browse Whatsapp on computer. Whatsapp launched the website for using web version of Whatsapp. You can access the official website from below link.

Whatsapp official Website

Other browsers will be added soon.

There are only few steps left and then you can access your Whatsapp account on its official website. This is very easy and anyone can use this.
Step 1: Be sure! you have whatsapp installed in your phone.
Step 2: If yes then check is it updated. Now lets move....
Step 3: Go to Official website of Whatsapp mentioned above.
Step 4: You will get this screen.
Step 5: There are located QR code on the screen.
Step 6: Now open QR code scanner in your phone with below given instructions.
Android: Open Whatsapp -> Menu -> Whatsapp web
Windows Phone: Open Whatsapp -> Menu -> Whatsapp web
BlackBerry: Open Whatsapp -> Chats -> Menu key -> Whatsapp web
BlackBerry 10: Open Whatsapp -> Swipe down from top of screen -> Whatsapp web
Nokia S60: Open Whatsapp -> Menu -> Whatsapp web
Step 7: Above instructions will open QR scanner in your phone.
Step 8: Now scan QR code in your computer screen.
Be sure your phone is connected to internet.!!!
Now you have connected whatsapp on your computer. Any message will coming on your whatsapp will also notify on your computer and you can reply from there. It have full access of whatsapp.

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Rahul Dubey

I'm Rahul Dubey. A full time web designer. I enjoy to make modern template. I love create blogger template and write about web design, blogger. Now I'm working with Themeforest. You can buy our templates from Themeforest.

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